Questioning Arab Ministers About Their Lack of Meaningful Action

Usamah “Sam” Husseini is an independent journalist and writer who has been piercing through the establishment’s falsifications for 25 years. He is senior analyst at the Institute for Public Accuracy. Husseini is founder of, which encourages left-right cooperation to undermine the establishment duopoly. He is also a visual artist.

Last week, I confronted the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt outside the UN Security Council for their failure to take stronger action at the United Nations to stop Israel’s genocide and enforce the ICJ orders: “It’s been a year and the Security Council has failed. Isn’t it past time to have General Assembly ‘Uniting For Peace’ resolutions with teeth, with sanctions, with other punitive measures against Israel? [Otherwise] this is all posturing… [you’re] not addressing the needs of the people of the world; it’s for domestic posturing…”

These Arab leaders give a lot of lip service to wanting to stop Israel, but couldn’t (or wouldn’t) explain why they haven’t used Uniting for Peace forcefully when I questioned them.