Hajj Hajj Resources Hajj dates• June 7: Dhul Hijjah 1• June 15: Day of Arafah• June 16: Eid al Adha Eid al Adha prayer information Not a Pilgrim? Here Are 5 Things to Do in Dhul-Hijjah Days Udhiya/Qurbani/Zabiha info Manaasik of Hajj and Umrah (2024) – Shaikh Abdool Hamid Past Hajj Khutbahs Articles How to Maximize the Blessings of the First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah Tips on Maximizing the Benefits of Hajj by Shaikh Ahmad Kutty Malcolm X and the Transforming Power of Hajj by Shaikh Ahmad Kutty Important Questions on the manasik of Hajj by Shaikh Ahmad Kutty Free, on-demand hajj classes The Manaasik of Hajj with Shaikh Abdool Hamid Manasik of Hajj with Shaikh Asad Yakob Material from past hajj classes Hajj in form and Spirit – notes from Hajj course offered by Shaikh Ahmad Kutty The manaasik of Hajj and Umrah – notes from Shaikh Abdool Hamid Essential du’as for Hajj and Umrah Fiqh of Hajj in a nutshell Hajj Day by Day guide