Inna lillahi wa Inna Elahi Rajioon.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Br. Shaheed Hussain aka (After Dark) who passed away peacefully in his home among family in Toronto today, January 16th, 2021.
He was from Blankenburg WCD Guyana. He was the son of the late Tajamul Hussain from La-Jalousie, husband of Zulakha Azeez (Lynette) from Wakenaam Island, father of 4 children Alan Mohamed, Azad Shaheed , Aftab Shaheed, and Shafrana Hamid. Brother of the late Abdool Jabbar, Mohamed Salul, Shameem Hussain (King) late brother Moneer, Oumeed Ali, Hakim Hussain & 2 sisters Salima (Betty) & Jamiela Akbar.
He was the grandfather of 17 grandchildren. Javid , Saudie, Swabera, Faneeza, Natasha, Fayed, Aldeen, Shereza, Umar, Nabeela, Khadija, Farhana, Sakeena, Abdullah, Afeefa, Aliyah & Ansar.
The funeral of the late Shaheed Hussain will be announced later. Br. Shaheed, Sr. Lynette and their entire family have been volunteers and supporters of IIT from its inception.
May Allah swt have mercy on him, forgive him for his mistakes, give him a resting place in Jannah and make his station high amongst His rightly guided servants, expand his grave that he’s about to occupy and put light and beautiful fragrance in it & accept him in the highest level in Jannatul Firdous Ameen.
The Janaazah and burial for Br. Shaheed will take place today but will be limited to immediate family.
Inna lillahi wa Inna Elahi RajioonTo Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.