The Quran – A Closer Look

With Dr. Jasser Auda

  • Khutbah – Nov. 11, 1 pm
  • Fri. evening lecture: Approaching the Quran – Nov. 11, 6:30-8 pm
  • Sat. class with light breakfast & lunch: Tafseer of Surah Al-Imran – Nov. 12, 10 am – 3 pm ($20, registration required)

Friday Night Lecture: Approaching the Qur’an

Reflecting upon the Quran is a Quranic request from all humanity, Muslim and non-Muslim. Allah (swt) exhorts people in several instances: “Do they not reflect (yatadabbarun) upon the Quran” (47:24, 4:82). Allah also states that in the Hereafter the Prophet (sas) will say: “Oh my Lord, my people were given to abandoning this Quran” (25:30). Reading the Quran is not only a form of worshiping ritual, but it is an exercise in search for guidance, cure for the heart’s ailments, answering questions, and applying the Quranic guidance in practical and real affairs of every believer. For the purposes of the latter, this lecture ensures that such reflections are guided by a sound methodology that avoids the pitfalls that the Quran itself deems unacceptable: blind imitation, partialism, contradiction, historicization, and apologism. The integration of the Quran and the narrations of Hadith of the Prophet (s) will be also addressed.

Saturday Tafseer Intensive – Surah Al-Imran

A four-hour journey with the second of the “Two Brights” (al-zahrawan) as the Prophet (s) named the Surahs of Al-Baqarah and Al-Imran. The key methodology to the Tafsir of the Surah will be the objectives of the verses and paragraphs and how they merge into the general objective of the Surah: the emergence of the Ummah of Islam as witnesses over humankind. Detailed explanation of some key verses – from this perspective – will be given, and especially within 2 stories: the story of Al-Imran (the House of Imran) that the Surah mentions in its first half, including the Prophets: Zakariyyah, Yahya, Mariam and Jesus; and the story of the Battle of Uhud that the Surah mentions in its second half, including the stances and actions that each of the parties and groups took: the sincere believers, the hesitants, the hypocrites, and the disbelievers from Mecca and Medina.