Praises are for Allah and salutations on His beloved messenger Muhammad, his companions and those who follow him until the end of time.
It is with great excitement that we welcome the blessed month of Ramadan. May Allah make it your most amazing Ramadan, and may He grant us His mercy and forgiveness.
The unprecedented COVID-19 virus and associated restrictions over the past three years have taken a toll on all of us. This Ramadan we look forward to a resumption of our regular programs: our nightly Tarawih prayers with our Qaris, our Saturday Lecture and Iftar Programs and a spiritually charged atmosphere at IIT.
We must also emphasize that various strains of the virus are still with us; we expect that all of us will take the necessary precautionary measures to stay safe. This includes staying away when one is sick, masking in crowded spaces and following other health-related best practices.
We remind you, and ourselves first, to make the most of this blessed month. There is an abundance of Allah’s blessings, mercy and generosity in this month. It is the month of the Qur’an; of fasting, charity, seeking forgiveness and good deeds. In it is a night that is better than a thousand months…so seek it out diligently!
Finally, IIT needs your continued support! Donate to our Ramadan Campaign “One of One Thousand” or sponsor one of our Saturday Iftars. Support the needy and the causes that help our brothers and sisters in various parts of the world.
May Allah bless you and grant you the best in this world and the hereafter.
IIT Board of Directors and Scholars