Healthy Living for Seniors

We are excited to announce that we will have a new program for seniors starting on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 In shaa Allah.

The Healthy Living for Seniors program is provided together with the Khalil Center and will be hosted by Sr. Sumayya Mehmood, a Registered Social Worker.

This group will meet weekly, virtually via Zoom, to discuss and explore ways of achieving and maintaining overall good health. It will be held for 8 weeks on Tuesdays from 1:30-2:30pm; closed captioning will be sprovided.

Participants will explore strategies to maintain health in the elements of the TIIP framework: (a) ʿaql or cognition; (b) nafs or behavioral inclinations; (c) rūḥ or spirit and (d) iḥsās or emotions.

The overarching goal is to help seniors maintain or restore balance and peace of the qalb or heart through introspective self-discovery and awareness.