Eid Mubarak! Program Details 2024

Assalamu Alaikum and Eid Mubarak!

Ramadan comes as a guest and leaves all the same. On behalf of the IIT Board, Scholars, and Volunteers, we wish you, your families, relatives, and friends a joyous Eid Mubarak.
We pray that Allah accepts our fasting, prayers, dua, and all other virtuous acts throughout the month of Ramadan and that He (SWT) forgives our sins, and honors our with redemption from the fire.
The details of Salaatul Eid are below.

Eid-Al-Fitr Prayers

Date: Wednesday, April 10th, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM

Locations & Khateebs

We will be having 2 Eid prayers occurring simultaneously, both at 9am.

Islamic Institute of Toronto

1630 Neilson Rd, led by Shaikh Ahmad Kutty

Scarborough Convention Center

20 Torham Place, led by Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick

Important Notes

  • please pay your Zakaatul Fitr in advance $15/person in your household
  • ⁠carpool to optimize parking
  • ⁠recite the takbiraat to and from the Eid venue
  • ⁠bring a prayer rug and a bag for your shoes
  • ⁠arrive early to secure a parking at the venue of your choice
  • ⁠additional parking on both sides of Neilson Rd.; at Neilson Park and on Finchdene and Torham (for SCC)
  • Please respect our volunteers as they are tirelessly working to provide everyone with the best possible experience.

Parking Availability

Please review the parking diagrams below to have an understanding of what is permissible on Wednesday, inshaAllah.