Are you looking to get certified or re-certify in first aid and CPR (specifically level “C”)?
The IIT is offering a blended course on January 28, 2024.
What is a blended course?
- A blended course is a two part course that allows for the theoretical portion to be on on your own pace before practicing the skills.
- Theoretical portion – you will have approx. 1 week to complete the learning modules and quizzes to get the basic understanding of the skills that you will learn. This allows for you to take your time to understand the material instead of rushing through it in one day.
- Practical portion – this will be IN-PERSON (JAN 28), for approx 8 hrs. you will be able to practice the skills that you learned through the learning modules then complete a practice examination.
- Together you will need to pass both theoretical and practical portions to be certified in First Aid and CPR Level C.
The certification is valid for three (3) years and is a Canadian Red Cross (CRC) cert.
The course will be taught by Steve Kopas CAT(C) – a certified Athletic Therapist and certified medical first responder.
The cost of the certification is $150 and will be paid directly to the CRC once you are registered in their system.