Due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, and more stringent public health measures announced by the Provincial Government, all services at IIT, with the exception of daily and Jumu’ah prayers will be offered remotely, or suspended as appropriate until further notice.
- Jumuah prayers will be capped as usual and registration is required. We strongly encourage all worshippers to be doubly vaccinated
- Fajr Prayers – 6:55 AM
- Maghrib at Sunset
- Esha at 7:00 PM
Statement from Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health regarding case counts for December 1, 2020
Today, Toronto Public Health (TPH) is reporting 761 confirmed COVID-19 cases. This figure represents a new high for a second consecutive day in the city. Today’s case counts are a blunt warning. COVID-19 continues to spread easily and widely. It is a warning that everyone at every age shares the risk of infection, just as all of us have the ability to reduce the risk through the actions and choices we take in the next several weeks.
My team reviews COVID-19 data each day and has begun analyzing data from the newly launched Source of Infection Survey. Among the findings, we have noted that 1 in 5 (21 per cent) of responding COVID-19 cases confirmed that they have had people visit inside their home, or went inside someone else’s home, where there were 10 people or less during the period they acquired the infection.
While most cases reporting close contact with a known COVID-19 case identified their spouse or partner (21 per cent) as the case, the next most common relationships reported were friends (16 per cent) and co-workers (16 per cent). In total, 35 per cent of cases reporting close contact indicated that their close contact with known cases were only non-household contacts. This underscores guidance to keep contact within your household… CONTINUED
October 3, 2020
Please be advised that after careful consideration, the IIT has decided to close its facilities for a few weeks, beginning as of today. All of our online programs continue as usual, including our Islamic History Month virtual events and Friday Talks.
We will assess the state of the pandemic and if safe, would re-open for Salaatul Jumu’ah on October 30, InshaAllah.
As you can appreciate, this was a very challenging decision that was made in consultation with our scholars. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve seen a significant increase in the number of Covid 19 cases. It is established that we’re now in the second wave of the pandemic. Provincial modelling has predicted that the daily positive cases is likely to reach 1000 in mid-October and public health officials are encouraging the adoption of more stringent guidelines to limit the spread of the virus.
The preservation of life is the most important consideration for us and we feel a sense of obligation to do whatever we can to curb the spread of Covid 19. We recognize how connected the IIT community is to our facilities at 1630 Neilson Road and will strengthen our efforts to stay connected through our virtual programs and a Friday talk during this pause.
October is Islamic History Month and we will be providing ongoing programs, starting this Saturday October 3rd at 8 pm.
We hope that you understand why this difficult choice was made. Please continue to pray and ask Allah to lift this pandemic and please reach out to our seniors and others that may need our support. Stay safe by following all the public health guidelines and thanks for your ongoing support.
Please continue to engage with us by checking our website islam.ca and our social media pages. If you have not done so as yet, please subscribe to our weekly newsletter.
June 2020
Our masjid is re-opening with a limit of 140 people per prayer. It is important to keep the following points in mind
- Salah/Jumuah Registration is required
- Bring your own mask (masks are now mandatory in indoor spaces) and wear it at all times
- Wudu must be completed at home as washrooms will be closed
- Children and high risk groups must pray at home
- Prayers and khutbahs will be kept to a maximum of 15 minutes
- 2 metre physical distancing must be maintained at all times
- You must show proof of registration
- Prayers will be held indoors
- Bring your own chairs of required
- No socializing, handshaking, or hugging
- Bring your own prayer mat to use
- No Sunnah or Nafl prayers at the masjid
- Safety check station will be at the entrance
Disclaimed: While the safety of the community if of utmost priority, there is still some risk present with visiting the masjid. Each individual bears the responsibility for their own actions and the masjid will not be held liable for any complications arising from your visit to the masjid.
By the grace of Allah we will be holding two outdoor Jumu’ah prayers in a limited and controlled manner on Friday, June 12. As you aware aware, COVID-19 remains a serious health risk and we need to do our part to minimize the spread of the virus.
In order to attend you must first complete Ontario’s COVID-19 self-assessment, and then register. If the results of your assessment recommend that you not attend gatherings with others, please do not register.
• First prayer: Khutbah at 1:15 pm;
• Second prayer: Khutbah at 2:15 pm;
• Third prayer: Khutbah at 3:00 pm;
Each prayer is limited. Social distancing will be strictly observed.
1. Complete Ontario’s COVID-19 self-assessment
2. Register yourself and each additional individual separately. Registration opens every Wednesday at 8 pm.
3. Print out or save a copy of your registration on your phone. You will NOT be allowed to enter the prayer area without proof of registration
4. Make wudhu at home as washroom facilities will NOT be available
5. Wear a mask (masks are now mandatory in indoor spaces), and bring a prayer rug for one (no sharing allowed); no tarps will be spread on the ground so you may want to bring plastic to spread under your prayer rug to avoid soiling it.
6. Enter the facilities from the South gate (main gate) and proceed to park as directed.
7. Maintain a safe social distance (2 metres) at all times; place your prayer rug only at a marked spot as directed. Please bring your own chair if you require one.
8. Follow the directions of our volunteers at all times
9. Give salaams and gestures from a safe distance; do not congregate to socialize with others.
10. Disperse right after the Fard prayer by exiting from the North gate as directed. You can perform your sunnah prayers at home.
Please dress according to the weather, and bring reusable shoe-bags. Young children, frail seniors and those with pre-existing medical conditions are advised not to attend.
April 2, 2020
We are continuing to monitor the situation of the pandemic and to provide as much services as possible through virtual platforms.
Our facilities remain closed until the state of emergency has been lifted and the potential risks from the pandemic have subsided. There is no daily or Friday prayers, no events or programs at IIT.
We will follow the directives of the public health agencies and the advice of our scholars. Please keep updated through our website, Facebook and Instagram pages and subscribe to our newsletter for weekly updates.
The following virtual and online services are offered:
- We have developed, and will continue to develop a number of fun challenges for kids to keep them engaged during the pandemic – COVID-19 Challenge and IIT Stays Home (links)
- Our Academy remains closed and we have been offering e-learning to students. Please check iit academy.ca for updates
- Our scholars are still available for consultations and counselling. Please send an email to consultation@islam.ca
Virtual Courses at the IIT
All of our courses are free of charge until the end of the year. You can access these courses at the following link: Thinkific
Virtual Halaqa – Mondays & Wednesdays
We have Virtual Halaqas on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. There are available through our website home page, as well as our YouTube channel, when the stream begins or shortly before.
Virtual Friday Talk
Join us on Fridays at 1:30pm in lieu of Jumu’ah Khutbah, where our scholars share some of their thoughts with the community.
Self-Care: The Prophetic Approach by Sh. Ahmad Kutty
Self-Care: The Prophet Approach Course by Shaikh Ahmad Kutty. Completely Free. Sign Up Here
Articles By Shaikh Ahmad Kutty
March 27, 2020
We are continuing to monitor the situation of the pandemic and to provide as much services as possible through virtual platforms.
Our facilities remain closed until the state of emergency has been lifted and the potential risks from the pandemic have subsided. There is no daily or Friday prayers, no events or programs at IIT.
We will follow the directives of the public health agencies and the advice of our scholars. Please keep updated through our website, Facebook and Instagram pages and subscribe to our newsletter for weekly updates.
The following virtual and online services are offered:
- All of our courses are free of charge until the end of the year. You can access these courses at open-Institute.thinkific.com
- We have Virtual Halaqas on Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
- We will offer a Virtual Friday Talk in lieu of Jumu’ah Khutbah on Fridays at 1:30 PM
- We have developed, and will continue to develop a number of fun challenges for kids to keep them engaged during the pandemic – COVID-19 Challenge and IIT Stays Home (links)
- Our Academy remains closed and we have been offering e-learning to students. Please check iit academy.ca for updates
- Our scholars are still available for consultations and counselling. Please send an email to consultation@islam.ca
March 28, 2020
Declaration of emergency
The province has enacted a declaration of emergency to help contain the spread of COVID-19 and protect the public.
All organized public events of over 50 people are prohibited, including parades, events and communal services within places of worship.
1. Keep up-to-date with any new information, class cancellation, or updates:
· Website
· Facebook https://facebook.com/islamicinstituteoftoronto
· Email Newsletter – we will send an email newsletter to subscribers (you can subscribe for free)
· Notices posted on IIT Bulletin Board
2. Take Preventive Measures
· The best preventive measure is to wash your hands often, especially after touching surfaces in public places.
· Avoid touching your eyes, face, nose, mouth with unwashed hands
· If you cough or sneeze, do so in your elbow
· IIT is closed to the public as are many other mosques
· Canadian borders are closed (except for citizens and permanent residents) and there are restrictions on international flights
3. Self-Isolate after travel
· If you have recently travelled from one of the countries where the virus is rapidly spreading, especially from China, Iran, Italy or South Korea,
stay at home in self-quarantine for two weeks.
4. Check into a hospital or health care facility
· If you have symptoms such as fever or coughing after your return from travel, check into a hospital or health care facility
5. Perform prayers at home
· There are no prayers at the mosque, including Jumu’ah and congregational prayers
· You can perform Salaatul Dhuhr instead of Jumu’ah
6. Follow and abide by Public Health directives
· Canada has a robust health-care system and is prepared for a pandemic if it occurs, Allah forbid
· Ensure that you follow the news and abide by the directives given by government or health care agencies
Important Links:
· Government of Canada Website
The above is meant as general advice for our congregation and not meant to replace medical advice or government directives.
“O Allah, You are the Mighty and Wise, the Healer and the Protector. We ask You to prevent the spread of this disease and to protect us from its harmful effects. We ask you to bring healing and recovery to all those who are ill, Most Merciful of those who show mercy!”